Ramos de novia

Types of flowers for bridal bouquets

Flowers for bride bouquets

The bridal bouquet is a fundamental piece for all brides, it is very important that the bride feels identified with the bouquet.

What should a bridal bouquet be like?

There are no rules for the bridal bouquet, I will only give advice:

  • You should feel comfortable with it, just look at it and think: it is perfect for me.
  • It can reflect the way you are, the way you dress, it has to have something that reminds you of yourself.

It is also important that the bridal bouquet is the right size for you, if you are very petite you will not look good with a huge bouquet, because here the protagonist is you, the bouquet is a complement that identifies you.

You can also consult our Bridal Bouquets service if you need advice or guidance to choose your bouquet.

Flores ramo de novia

Flowers for bouquets


  • Meaning : love and delicacy.
  • It is found from December to March.
  • Colors: White, lilac, pink, red,

It is a perfect flower for bridal bouquets in early spring and autumn-winter.


  • Meaning: Hope.
  • It can be found from March-November.
  • Colors: white, Quartz pink and strong pink.

Astilbe flower for bridal bouquet helps us to give movement to the bridal bouquet. It is an elegant flower, delicate and very easy to combine with other flowers or even alone.


  • Meaning: Enthusiasm.
  • We find it all year round, available in white and pink.
  • It is a very delicate flower, a bridal bouquet with Bouvardia will result in a significant style and elegance. I use it in bridal bouquets as an accompaniment and also alone.

Chamelaucium or Wax Flower

  • Available from October – March

The colors in white and pink, is a flower that gives much play in bridal bouquets and wedding decorations, the result is always natural and wild.


  • It can be found all year round.
  • It is a yellow ball-shaped flower, it has been and still is successful for wild bouquets and we can even give it other less rustic styles.
  • It keeps and lasts for years in optimal conditions and can be dyed in other colors.

I have used it alone in bouquets and also with other flowers.

A good combination of this flower for bridal bouquets is with succulents.

Flores ramo de novia

Chrysanthemum or Daisy

Meaning: Joy.

Flower already known by all, there are many varieties and also available in almost all colors.


Meaning: gratitude.

We find it from May-October, it is available in colors: white, pink, reddish. It is a flower that transmits romanticism and is generally used together with other flowers to make the result more spectacular.

A bridal bouquet with Dahlias is spectacular, there are varieties a little pompous and others less, but the mix of flowers for the Bouquet is ideal.


Meaning: Dolphin

It can be found from February-November.

Available in white, light blue, dark blue, pink.

It is beautiful, especially the blue color, in bridal bouquets is highly recommended. It can be used alone, accompanied with green or with other flowers as well.

Ramos de novia

Dianthus or Carnation

Meaning: fascination

It can be found all year round. The carnation is an undervalued flower and it is a shame because depending on how you work it can be very elegant bouquets. You know that it is available in all colors, it lasts a long time, also the price is lower than other flowers. In short, all are advantages, so put a carnation in your bridal bouquet:-)


Meaning: Innocence.

It can be found all year round.

There are a multitude of colors for this flower, white, yellow, pink, lilac, mauve, fuchsia, orange, red…

When using Gerberas for the bridal bouquet, it can have a more wild style that is perfect for some brides.

Gypsophila or Paniculata or Baby Breath

Meaning: Eternal love, in English baby breath.

It can be found all year round.

Colors available in white and pink,

Paniculata is a flower that has been used a lot for bridal bouquets, nowadays it is not used much anymore. A bridal bouquet only with paniculata is beautiful, also accompanied by green. Besides, paniculata in bridal bouquets withstands a lot of heat.


Meaning: Exhaustion, I do not understand that such a beautiful flower has this meaning:-( Do not give too much importance to the meaning, I put it as a curiosity.

It can be found from March to the end of the year, although it can be found all year round.

Colors pink, white, blue, navy blue, green, green-pink … every day new varieties are coming out.

Ramo de novia

It is a beautiful flower, it can be combined with other flowers or used alone, it is very delicate, in times of high heat it can wilt if it gets direct sunlight, although the bridal bouquets are not hours and hours in full sun, so do not worry.


We find it from March-May, although we can find dried or freeze-dried throughout the year.

What can I tell you about lavender that you don’t know, it smells wonderful, very used in wild bridal bouquets alone or with other flowers.

Besides being beautiful, it withstands very well the high temperatures and then can dry and you have a bouquet for years:-)

Lilium or Lily

Symbol of purity.

We find it all year round in many colors such as white, red, pink, yellow, orange would be the most common.

It is not a delicate flower, although when it opens the flower opens quickly so you have to deliver the bouquet at the right time so it does not open too much, the stamens of the flowers I will always take them out before delivering the bouquet, as they are yellow and if they stain the dress does not leave the stain with nothing, so I will not risk that you stain your dress 🙂


It means inner beauty, although also selfishness 🙁.

We are going to find it from January-March

It is not very used in brides because of the time in which we find it, since it is low season in weddings, but those who are getting married in winter is a good option .


Its season is from summer onwards, if they are not in season, they are used dried and they are beautiful.

Use Pampas grass for the bridal bouquet, it is perfect for daring and modern brides, it is a casual bridal bouquet without order.


It means shyness.

We will find it from March-June approximately, there are no exact dates as it depends on the weather and other factors.

It is the most valued and used flower for brides, it gives off a soft scent that makes it irresistible, when they are out of season I usually use the David Austin Rose, it is the most similar to the peony, you know that there is always a solution for everything:-)

Ramos de novia

Bridal bouquets with Peony are very romantic, especially when we use the pale pink, the white is also beautiful but inside it is more yellowish, it is not pure white.

Phalaenopsis or Orchid

We will find it all year round, many varieties and colors, bicolor…

It provides elegant appearance, we can also make bouquets with fall or round. It is somewhat delicate, but with the treatment that I do before delivering the bouquet will hold in perfect condition.


We found it approximately since January-May, although I can find it later:-), but the theory is the one I have written.

Some years ago it would have been unthinkable to use Protea for bridal bouquets, but luckily, trends change and nowadays it is widely used.

It lasts a long time and does not spoil, even dry it stays beautiful for a certain period of time.


We found it since January-April

It is beautiful, although we can’t find it during the wedding season :-(. It is available in white, orange, pink, red mainly. Sometimes we also find it out of season, but you know that then the price is high and they are smaller.


We find it all year round.

Here I would need a mega chapter for this flower, there are millions of varieties, colors, bicolors and tricolors, even some edible.

Ramos de novia

Bridal bouquets with roses can be elegant, romantic, wild …it all depends on the colors, the finishes and how you combine them.

English rose, David Austin

We can find it all year round, although at certain times of the year the price skyrockets, anyway it is not a very economical flower.

I usually use it in cases where brides want Peony but it is not in season.

It is a wonderful flower for bridal bouquets, it has a soft aroma, it is very romantic and perfect for bouquets.

There are several colors, but the most marketed are pink and white, the white is not a pure white, but has a yellowish color when opened.

Syringa or Lilac

Meaning: Love and innocence

It can be found from January – April.

They are in white and lilac color, it is a beautiful flower that gives off a soft scent, very pleasant for brides.

The bridal bouquet with lilac can have a rustic or more elegant air depending on how it is worked. It is a good option for brides getting married in winter.


It can be found from November to April

There are lots of varieties of tulip and many colors, bicolor: red, orange, yellow, white, black, violet, pink … The only problem with the tulip is that it grows with light, yes it does grow a few inches when it receives light, although I have a foolproof technique for it not to do so:-) So go ahead with the Tulip.

Bridal bouquets with only tulip flowers or combined, round, drooping or long stemmed will have a good result.

Zantedeschia or Calla Lily or Water Lily

It can be found all year round.

It comes in many colors, white, reddish, pink, yellow, violet and black,

It is a flower that exudes elegance, is tall and slender, a flower very suitable for glamorous brides.

Flower bouquets for brides

There are many more flowers that we can use for the bridal bouquet, of course there are. I have only commented some of the most used for brides.

I try to always buy flowers from local growers, but when the bride wants something that is not in season then I buy it from Holland directly.

I always recommend using seasonal flowers, because they are much more beautiful and the prices are also more appropriate.

Remember that flowers for bridal bouquets always have to be in complete harmony with your dress and your way of being. The bridal bouquet is the most personalized element for the bride, it is part of you.

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