
Customized Funeral Organization

Mourning a loved one is already difficult to bear, but suffering the death of a family member from the coronavirus (COVID19) is even more complicated.


The Ministry of Health has strict safety regulations, which prevent a ceremony, a handshake, a hug, or seeing the deceased one last time.

It is important to say goodbye to the loved one, to avoid a complicated mourning, according to Rafael Ballester, professor of clinical health psychology at the UJI, in an interview with the newspaper Levante.

The situation that we are living, has impelled us to offer a personalized Service for all those that have not been able to make a goodbye, a last goodbye to the deceased by the Coronavirus(COVID19). It is a necessary process to continue with your lives.

Organization of personalized funerals

Your loved one was unique and unrepeatable. How can I help you organize their funeral, in a totally personalized way?

Tell me what he was like, what he liked, his favorite music, show me pictures, I want to meet him to help you create a totally personalized funeral.

Organization of secular/religious ceremonies

My work goes beyond a farewell ceremony, you will feel accompanied, attended to and most importantly listened to, because it is a very difficult process and you need a lot of attention to get through it.

The organization of the ceremony is totally personalized, I help you find a quiet space in an atmosphere that your loved one would have liked.

A Master of Ceremonies who will lead the ceremony and pay tribute to your loved one, we will personalize his or her speech a lot, because I will always talk to you to know your preferences and those transmitted by your loved one.

Choosing music, do you know what his favorite music was? The one he always played, the one that was present at a key moment in his life perhaps. It’s another way to personalize and help you organize the funeral ceremony.

Flowers for funeral home

Leaving in writing what you and each of the people attending the funeral ceremony feel is a way of freeing yourself and sending love to your loved one. We can put a book to leave the last messages or send them to heaven with a release of helium balloons with a message card.

Floral Decorations for Funerals

Flowers for the funeral are essential to pay tribute to your loved one.

Funeral Flower Arrangements

Flowers convey feeling, even more than words, and the combination of various flowers, colors and textures conveys a complete message.

What kind of flower arrangements can we make for the secular or religious ceremony?

We can make very personalized flower centers, I don’t want to offer you a catalogue of flower centers for deceased people, because my intention is to personalize the floral arrangements.

To personalize the flower centers, maybe you can tell me about his favorite flowers or if he didn’t have them, knowing his personality I can offer you a flower center design that fits the deceased.

We can make a tribute to your loved one with a personalized bouquet. Bouquets for deceased people usually have carnations and lyliums, but why not use other flowers?

Knowing his or her personality, whether he or she was elegant or more country or perhaps was an extravagant person is very valuable information for me.

It is my goal that the funeral is personalized in all its elements and I want to offer you a Bouquet Service for your loved one, not just a bouquet of flowers for the deceased.

If you want a complete Flower Service for the funeral, you can choose from many options, be it wreaths, bouquets or flower centers to perform an appropriate ritual and pay tribute to your loved one.

From here, now and always I am by your side, to help you in the mourning of your loved one.

A big hug,

Judith Jordà

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