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Wedding planner Costa Brava

Celebrate your wedding at Costa Brava

Celebrating your wedding on the Costa Brava is a real luxury! The warm climate, an idyllic setting that can even enhance your best dreams is possible.

Weddings on the Costa Brava can be held in castles, farmhouses or why not on a beach right in front of the sea. All you have to do is let your imagination run wild and we will make it come true.

Once you have decided that you want to celebrate your wedding on the Costa Brava, you have to get down to work to find the perfect venue.

There are spaces that are designed for small weddings and that have a charming Hotel so that all your guests can stay overnight.

I would say that this is a key point, the guests, as the venues where weddings are held on the Costa Brava are usually far from the guests’ residence and it is a hassle to take the car after the wedding on the Costa Brava, the best thing is for them to stay overnight.

Although there are farmhouses that offer accommodation for part of the guests, the rest of the guests can stay in nearby hotels. By hiring bus companies, we can ensure the comfort of the guests, thus avoiding delays late at night.


Wedding planner Costa Brava

There are very attractive options to celebrate your wedding on the Costa Brava, one of the best is to celebrate it on the beach.

Celebrating your wedding on the beach is not always allowed, you have to ask for special permits to do so. But it can be done, it just requires some extra paperwork and an additional cost.

An important point is to always have a Plan B in case of bad weather, you can rent a marquee, there are very aesthetic ones that even without rain are beautiful.

There are spaces that are right in front of the beach, so a few days before the wedding you can change the option of celebrating the wedding on the beach inside.


Decoración Boda Costa Brava
Decoración Bodas Costa Brava

Weddings on the Costa Brava

If we want to celebrate the wedding on the Costa Brava in a hotel, it is always more comfortable for our guests, so that once the celebration is over they do not have to move.

However, if you prefer a farmhouse, it is also a very good option, and if you are not many guests, you can stay in the farmhouse itself, otherwise we will take care of finding accommodation that is not far away.

How to decorate a wedding on the Costa Brava?

There are many ways to decorate a wedding on the Costa Brava, remember that weddings should be personalised for you, and something that is really interesting is to match the decoration with the space where we are going to celebrate it.

Choosing blue and white tones is an option, but it is not necessarily obligatory, sometimes using contrasting decorations can achieve great results.

In the summer season, weddings are usually held at dusk and at nightfall it is time for candles.
Incorporating candles into the decoration is always a good idea, although it is important to make sure they are well protected.

Wedding decoration on the Costa Brava can combine many elements, not only flowers and candles, but also fabrics in spaces with very high ceilings. Seeing all the options will help us to shape the celebration.

In outdoor spaces, hanging garlands of lights is an ideal solution, their soft light combined with candles will provide a warm and harmonious result with the space.

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